She's not real! Defusing the illusion.

       It's not real. Perfect doesn't exist

Social media has been proven to be detrimental to mental health, especially women. As women we live in a world that is constantly telling us we aren't enough. 

                            "Your boobs are too small."

                            "Your butt isn't big enough!"

                                "Your butt is tooo big." 

                                "Your stomach has rolls."

                    "Wear makeup it will cover up your 'flaws'" 


                    "Eww I hate girls who wear makeup." 

With apps such as 'Beautyplus' where you can take away your 'flaws' or even make yourself a bit skinnier,social media is priming with retouched photos. Have you caught yourself comparing your beauty to retouched photos? 

Below is a mixture of photos side by side that were retouched thanks to one of my favorite Instagram accounts, @Beauty.False 

What's crazy is that none of these 'before' photos look bad at all! Everyone looks beautiful. The problem is when women are scrolling through social media, especially those who could be more easily influenced, they go out and spend tons of money trying to 'fix' themselves. People who post these photos, don't even look like the people in these photos. 

You are human! Acne, bloating, weight gain, weight loss, hair loss, genetics, etc-all make you REAL! Better to be real than perfect. Perfect isn't even perfect. 



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