The Bay Area List of Women Services Part 1

Here are some resources around the Bay Area, feel free to add more in the comment section :)

Oasis for Girls-Youth Organization that provides three afterschool programs: RISE, CREATE, AND ENVISION. 

RISE=building life skills 

CREATE=Using writing and arts for healthy self expression 

ENVISION=expanding job readiness and career awareness 

Oasis for Girls Website  

Young Women's Freedom Center-Empowering Cis and Trans young women and men, gender expansive people who have been impacted by the juvenile and criminal justice system. Coming together to create economic and leadership opportunities through employment, internships and advocacy. 

Young Women's Freedom Center

La Casa De Las Madres-Crisis response, Support services, and Prevention Education on Domestic Violence.  

If you are in a crisis here are the numbers below: 

Adults: (877) 503-1850

Teens: (877) 923-0700

Text: (415) 200-3575

La Casa De Las Madres

Rafiki Coalition-Eliminating health inequalities for San Francisco's Black and marginalized  communities by providing holistic health and wellness services.  

Rafiki Coalition

BAWAR- Bay Area Women Against Rape who serves anyone who has been affected by sexual violence. 

Hotline: (510) 345-1056 


Afghan Coalition- Strengthening Afghan families. Providing, wellness programs, domestic violence support, micro-enterprise projects, and  TEAM (telecommunications education and assistance in multiple languages) CHANGES (Community Help and Awareness of Natural Gas and Electric Services)

Afghan Coalition

Women's Daytime Drop-in Center-Their mission is to empower homeless women and children. Offering meals, groceries, and hygiene to go until 2 pm. 2218 Acton Street in Berkeley. 

Case Management: (510) 548-2844 

Women's Daytime Drop in Center

Homeless Prenatal Program-This program offers; Prenatal services for healthy babies, safe & stable housing, Nurturing relationships, and economic sustainability. 

Homeless Prenatal Program

Bay Area Women's and Children's Center-Direct service program assisting families, women, and children in their immediate needs. Also does advocacy/ community planning. Neighborhood development and long term community projects. 


Runaway Girl- Creating career development and opportunities for runaway, former runaway, and homeless youth. As well as improving and creating services for runaway and homeless youth. 

Runaway Girl

San Francisco Women Against Rape-providing resources, support, advocacy, and education to strengthen individuals and improve communities. 

24/7 Crisis hotline: (415) 647-RAPE (7273)

SF Women against Rape




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