BoBa Milk Tea

Ingredients: 3 servings

8 cups of water

1 cup dried boba pearls

1 ½ tabs honey or sugar (can put more or less)

1 cup of black or green tea

½ cup of milk, almond milk, or evaporated milk

1 cup of ice cubes

Dried boba pearls

How to cook the boba pearls:

In a saucepan, bring 8 cups of water to boil over high heat.

Add the boba pearls into the hot water and stir gently until they begin to float to the top.

Turn the heat down to medium and cook for 40 minutes, stir occasionally.

Remove from heat, cover, and let it sit for another 20 minutes.

Cooked Boba

Drain the boba pearls and transfer them to a small bowl. 

Mix with sugar or honey and fully coat. Set aside for 5 minutes.

How to make tea:

Boil water until it reaches between 210 F.

Put about 9-10grams of Oolong tea (or black tea)

Add tea leaves to a tea strainer and place directly Into the tea kettle. 

Let the tea steep for 3 to 5 minutes.

Divide the pearls into the tall glasses, add tea, add milk, ice, 

and some sugar if you want it to be more sweet.



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