November event - Chantico, la medicina en casa
We would love to invite you all to our upcoming healing event on the 12th of November - "Chantico, la medicina en casa" with the founder and leader of Calpulli Huey Papalotl Patricia Juarez. Calpulli Huey Papalotl is a cultural, educational, and Native and Mexica circle whose purpose is to cultivate Toltec/Nahuatl Ceremonies, Tradition and Culture within the existing Native/Chicanx groups of Northern California.
Our chanti, our homes, the homes that belong to us, Native people, are full of medicine, medicine that comes from our Ancestors, from thousands of years of loving care, understanding and preparation. Thousands of years during which sacred relationships were established with that medicine. Herbs, customs, ways of speaking, the organization of the household work, the food, the fire that is used to cook the food, all these are very important and essential elements in any Native/Indigenous house for which the kitchen represents the center, the belly, our bridge to bigger and deeper connections than the ones that are visible and tangible.
In this session we will talk about the many elements each of us Native/Chicanx/Latinx people in the U.S. have in our homes and sometimes right outsides of our home and how we can heal with them.
Event Infromation
November 12th
6-8 PM
Via Zoom:
Meeting ID : 679 365 4266
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