Quartined Life w/ Baby SIbling pt 2!! -Kasandra

 In my last post about my brother, I talked about how it can be very overwhelming to take care of a baby and how exciting it is that he's always learning something new. Recently he's started to crawl a little bit and want to walk as well. He'll want to stand up with us holding his hands and start walking a little which is exciting! He's starting to talk a little as well. He can say mama, dada, agua (which is water in Spanish) really easily. He's trying to say other stuff as well like comer (eat in Spanish). He says tetita which is his way of saying bottle for when he wants to take his nap. We recently got him a walker where he's been learning to walk a little more on with us right behind him so he doesn't fall. During these heat waves, he's been in a bit of a fussy mood because he doesn't like the heat as much. We try to keep him in cool places so he's able to be calm and he is for the most part. Mickey Mouse is our best friend most of the time since he loves watching it so much. His favorite episode is the Mickey and Donald have a Farm. When it gets to a certain point where they're talking about piggies, he's the happiest. He apparently likes pigs and turtles. He's been having a lot of sleeping problems though mainly at night. We've been trying to find out why but there hasn't been a clear reason why. He just wakes up every hour or two which wouldn't be so bad if he was a newborn but he's almost 9 months. Most of the time it's not cause he's hungry. We've been trying to keep him awake a little more during the day so that at night he can sleep more. So far it's been working a little. Sometimes I can't believe he's even 9 months. Feels like just yesterday he was born and was a tiny little baby. I get so sad knowing he's about to be 1 years old. Time flies. Enjoy this little clip of him laughing at tennis (:


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