In my last post about my brother, I talked about how it can be very overwhelming to take care of a baby and how exciting it is that he's always learning something new. Recently he's started to crawl a little bit and want to walk as well. He'll want to stand up with us holding his hands and start walking a little which is exciting! He's starting to talk a little as well. He can say mama, dada, agua (which is water in Spanish) really easily. He's trying to say other stuff as well like comer (eat in Spanish). He says tetita which is his way of saying bottle for when he wants to take his nap. We recently got him a walker where he's been learning to walk a little more on with us right behind him so he doesn't fall. During these heat waves, he's been in a bit of a fussy mood because he doesn't like the heat as much. We try to keep him in cool places so he's able to be calm and he is for the most part. Mickey Mouse is our best friend most of the time s...
It's not real. Perfect doesn't exist Social media has been proven to be detrimental to mental health, especially women. As women we live in a world that is constantly telling us we aren't enough. "Your boobs are too small." "Your butt isn't big enough!" "Your butt is tooo big." "Your stomach has rolls." ...
Here are some resources around the Bay Area, feel free to add more in the comment section :) Oasis for Girls -Youth Organization that provides three afterschool programs: RISE, CREATE, AND ENVISION. RISE =building life skills CREATE =Using writing and arts for healthy self expression ENVISION =expanding job readiness and career awareness Oasis for Girls Website Young Women's Freedom Center - Empowering Cis and Trans young women and men, gender expansive people who have been impacted by the juvenile and criminal justice system. Coming together to create economic and leadership opportunities through employment, internships and advocacy. Young Women's Freedom Center La Casa De Las Madres -Crisis response, Support services, and Prevention Education on Domestic Violence. If you are in a crisis here are the numbers below: Adults: (877) 503-1850 Teens: (877) 923-0700 Text: (415) 200-3575 La Casa De Las Madres Rafiki Coalition -Eli...
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