Quarantined Life with a baby sibling! - Kasandra

 Before quarantine started, taking care of my baby brother wasn't as hard. We were thinking of places to take him as he grew older so he could explore the world. Before March, we didn't take him out as much because he was still very little. When we would take him out it was normally just on walk to the grocery store. We barely took him on drives. Then Covid-19 started to get worse and worse as cases went up and we were to shelter-in-place. Taking care of a baby is never easy in general. They can get fussy a lot. Sometimes it can get super overwhelming when you don't know what's wrong and if you've checked their diapers, have fed them etc. At the start of quarantine, our mom was still on maternity leave so we would take turns on who was with him while the other would just clean or take a break. Occasionally we'd go to the store because he would get really bored at home and he'd be calm while on a walk. On the upside of this quarantine, everyday he learns something new and it makes it more fun. With a baby in the house, you'll never have a dull day. I give him my phone sometimes just to play with and he always ends up taking pictures or videos. 


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